Saturday, July 10, 2010

How did we get here?

-Our Road To Ren.....I can't believe it has been almost five years since Tyson and I set out on this road to adopt our daughter; our sweet Ren.  We often get asked why we're adopting.  So, I thought I would share how it all began.
-November is National Adoption Month.  Who knew?  Well, in November 2005, I was listening to Stephen Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman share their adoption stories on Moody Radio.  They have three biological children and adopted three daughters from China.  My eyes were opened to the great number of orphans around the world., but  more than that, my heart was pierced with the realization that God had called His church to do something about it.  The Bible says in James 1:27, "Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world."  It was at that point that I knew God was calling me to do something.
-Bethany Christian Services was mentioned by the Chapman's, so I immediately started doing research through their website.  I shared my heart with Tyson.  Considering that we had just celebrated Ty's first birthday, Tyson wasn't too sure this was something for us to do right then.
-After much prayer, (and maybe a little nagging), we scheduled a meeting with Bethany in January 2006.  In March 2006, we were invited to be guests at Bethany's annual banquet. The speakers that night were a couple who had dealt with infertility.   They said they wanted a family so they NEEDED to adopt.  They  gave a charge to the audience that said a lot of people don't need to adopt, but they can choose to adopt. It was that night that "sealed the deal" for us. We left not only knowing that we should adopt, but Tyson said, "We're adopting from China!"
-So why are we adopting?  All of that to say, as my husband says, "Why not?'  The Lord has so seared our hearts with the desire to adopt; how could we not?

1 comment:

  1. Renee,

    Thank you for putting my heart and thoughts into words. As we know, we have been asked the same questions many times... Thank you for expressing it so elequantly! It is a long road and there are many mountains to climb, but it is worth it when you get there!
    So, so happy for you... Bless you guys.

