Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't Watch This!

My friend Amie Putnam sent this to me today and it has so challenged me.  I am at a place in my life where realistically, I probably shouldn't add more children to my family.  I have four already.  We have to share bedrooms.  I don't know how they will get a car or how their college education will be paid for.  I do know they will be loved and raised in the Lord.

A lot of people tell me that Tyson and I are good people.  My answer to that is thank you, but on the inside I think, "if you only know".  The Bible tells us the only good that is in us comes from the Lord.  So I know I am not good.  But lately I wonder if I am "safe".  Not really risking anything for the Lord.  Not really sacrificing for the Lord.  I feel so mediocre.  My heart tells me, there is so much more to do.  So many more children that don't need a car or a fully paid college tuition, they just need to call me their mommy. 

Please pray for me as I try to hear the Lord and as I struggle daily to know what I need to do.  Pray for Tyson as he leads our family.  In case you can't tell, he is married to one scary woman!!!


  1. I haven't played the video yet...have to wait for some quiet time around here...plus I am a little scared too...and you told me not to! :) You are good people and you are not scary! I love your heart Renee...you challenge me to be a better person.


  2. I watched it...trying to process it...I died at "He is my Hudson."
