Genesis 3:18-20
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.
Well, I have to say planting a garden was something I thought I would never do! It was a very rewarding experience. We planted about 40, YES 40, tomato plants, 9 cucumber plants, peppers, okra, watermelon, squash, sunflowers, and some herbs. I was showing the garden to my friend Jennifer. She discovered the first tiny little squash. I squealed and got a little teary eyed. Jenny laughed and said, "I didn't see you get that excited when your kids were born!" I have to say it was an emotional experience. I also have to say, "note to self, 40 tomato plants and 9 cucumber plants was a little much". So, I don't know if I will continue to eat my food by the sweat of brow until I return to the ground, but this was definitely the first of many gardens.
next time remember your star struck follower and pass some cucumbers my way! We love those things at my house!!!! :)