Wednesday, May 11, 2011

She is always near...

My friend Tracy Jennings brought her sweet daughter Mia home from China last spring.  On Mother's Day last year she planted a rose bush in honor of Mia's birth mom.  I thought that was a beautiful idea.  So, this year we planted a rose bush in honor of Ren's birth mom.  I always want to hold her in high regard.  After all, she carried my daughter for me.  She chose to give Ren life.  She chose to leave her in a place where she knew she would be found and cared for.  She is always near to my heart.  People often ask me if we know anything about Ren's biological parents.  The answer is no, we know nothing for certain.  We do have a hand-written note that was attached to Ren's clothing when she was found.  I am sure her birth mom wrote it.  It gives her date and time of birth and then says, "Please kind person, save this baby".  The one thing I believe to be true about Ren's birth mom is that she loved her.  So on Mother's Day and everyday, I remember and honor the precious Chinese woman who chose life for my daughter Ren.

1 comment:

  1. You are so kind to do something physical in remembrance of Ren's birth mom. It is something Ren will always be able to see and touch and then be reminded of how she is blessed with two moms!

    Your unending love amazes me!

